Discussion Zone -13 August 2017

Hello Aspirants..

This is a live quiz page. Discuss any of the topics below in the comment section:

  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reasoning
  • English
  • Banking Awareness
  • Current Awareness
  • Computer

Share the page with your friends too to take the full advantage. Group study will help you retain things in mind. Happy learning. ?


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1,090 Thoughts to “Discussion Zone -13 August 2017”

  1. cActi~HEALER



  2. yuvi

    1st..itna late aaya ye page..or 7 se hindi quiz hoti thi n??

  3. cActi~HEALER

    1 quest.

    निर्देश(1-10) : नीचे दिए गए गद्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़िए और उस पर आधारित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए. कुछ शब्दों को मोटे अक्षरों में मुद्रित किया गया है, जिससे आपको कुछ प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने में सहायता मिलेगी. दिए गए विकल्पों में से सबसे उपयुक्त का चयन कीजिए.
    शिवदत्त बुद्धिमान राजा था. एक दिन कपिल मुनि नामक तपस्वी उसके राज्य में आया. राजा ने तपस्वी का सम्मान कर नगर मंत्री मान सिंह को उसके ठहरने का प्रबंध करने की आज्ञा दी. तपस्वी को त्यागी एवं बलिदानी मान कर अनेक सेठ-साहूकार उसे दक्षिणा मेंधन देने लगे.
    काफी धन इकट्ठा होने पर तपस्वी ने धन को एक कलश में रखकर जंगल में एक पेड़ के नीचे दबा दिया तथा उस पर निगरानी रखने लगा. कुछ समय पश्चात जब वह जंगल गया तो देखा कोई उसका धन चुरा ले गया. यह देख उसकी आँखों के आगे अंधेरा छाने लगा. उसने निश्चय किया कि मैं नदी तट पर अपनी जान दे दूँगा.
    यह बात जब राजा तक पहुँची, तो उसने दरबारियों को भेज तपस्वी को बुलवाया तथा समझाया, देवता धन खो जाने पर मृत्यु-वरण अच्छा नहीं है. धन-दौलत तो धूप-छाँह के समान है. उसके लिए इतना शोक व्यर्थ है, पर तपस्वी अपनी बात पर अटल था.

    तब राजा ने पूछा, ‘‘तपस्वी, आपने धन जहाँ रखा था, वहाँ की कोई निशानी बता सकते”हैं? तपस्वी बोला- ‘‘महाराज मैंने वह धन जंगल में एक छोटे पेड़ के नीचे दबाया था. वही उसकी निशानी थी”. कुछ देर विचार मग्न रह कर राजा बोला, ‘‘धीरज रखिए, धन आपको वापस मिल जाएगा. मरने का निश्चय छोड़ दीजिए”.राजा शयनागार में सिरदर्द का बहाना करके लेट गया. नगर के वैद्य राज महल में आते तथा उपचार कर के चले जाते. राजा प्रत्येक से एकान्त में एक ही प्रश्न पूछता- ‘‘नगर में आजकल किस बीमारी का प्रकोप है? आपने किस बीमारी की कौन-सी दवा दी?
    वैद्य राजा के प्रश्न का उत्तर देते तथा चले जाते. एक वैद्य ने बताया, ‘‘मैंन अपने रोगी धनीराम को नागवाली बूटी खाने को कहा था।’
    यह सुन कर राजा ने धनी राम को दरबार में बुलाया, पूछने पर धनीराम ने बताया, मेरा नौकर रामू जंगल में जाकर नागवाला बूटी लाया था. राजा ने नौकर को राज दरबार में हाजिर होने की आज्ञा दी.
    आते ही राजा ने नौकर से कहा, ‘‘अपने मालिक के लिए जंगल से नागवाला बूटी उखाड़कर लाते समय जो धन निकला है उसे तुरन्त ले आओ, नहीं तो अपने पाप का दण्ड पाने के लिए तैयार हो जाओ.
    नौकर डर से काँपने लगा. वह दौड़ा-दौड़ा घर गया तथा तपस्वी का धन लाकर राजा को सौंप दिया.

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


      1. cActi~HEALER

        yes ..

        1. $קгค๔єєק$

          okk give mee 3 mins to read as i have come late mam..:))

          1. cActi~HEALER

            ok 🙂

    2. cActi~HEALER

      1. गद्यांश में प्रयुक्त वाक्यांश, ‘तपस्वी अपनी बात पर अटल रहा’, में किस बात की ओर संकेत किया गया है?
      (a) नौकर को दण्डित करने की
      (b) राज्य में निवास न करने की
      (c) जान न देने की
      (d)नदी में डूब जाने की
      (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं

      1. $קгค๔єєק$


      2. cActi~HEALER

        S1. Ans. (d)नदी में डूब जाने की

    3. cActi~HEALER

      2. राजा ने तपस्वी को धन की खोजकर के लौटाने का आश्वासन तुरन्त क्यों दे दिया?
      (a)उसे अपने बुद्धि चातुर्य पर विश्वास था
      (b)वह तपस्वी की बात की परख करना चाहता था
      (c)उसे राज कर्मचारियों की बुद्धि पर विश्वास था
      (d)उसे अपने नगर के वैद्यों पर विश्वास था
      (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं

      1. $קгค๔єєק$


      2. cActi~HEALER

        S2. Ans.(a)उसे अपने बुद्धि चातुर्य पर विश्वास था

    4. cActi~HEALER

      3. तपस्वी ने राजा को धन छिपाने के स्थान पर कौन-सी निशानी बताई?
      (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं

      1. $קгค๔єєק$


      2. cActi~HEALER

        S3. Ans.(c)पेड़

    5. cActi~HEALER

      4. गद्यांश में धन-दौलत की तुलना किससे की गई है?
      (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं

      1. $קгค๔єєק$


      2. cActi~HEALER

        S4. Ans.(d)धूप-छाँह

    6. Jellyfish

      Omg itna padna hoga!!!

      1. cActi~HEALER

        yes 🙂

        1. Jellyfish

          Hhmm karta hu try

    7. cActi~HEALER

      5. राजा ने सिर दर्द का बहाना क्यों किया?
      (a)उसे नगर वैद्यों पर शक था
      (b)उसे राजदरबारियों पर शक था
      (c)वह जानता था कि इस कारण तपस्वी अपना व्रत तोड़ देगा
      (d)वह उस दौरान नगर में फैली बीमारियों तथा उपचारों का पता लगाना चाहता था
      (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं

      1. cActi~HEALER

        S5. Ans.(c)वह जानता था कि इस कारण तपस्वी अपना व्रत तोड़ देगा

    8. cActi~HEALER

      6. गद्यांश में प्रयुक्त ‘आँखों के आगे अंधेरा छाना’ से क्या तात्पर्य है?
      (a)अचानक आँखों से रोशनी का चला जाना
      (b)जमीन पर गिर पड़ना
      (c)मृत्यु दिखाई देना
      (d)जीवन अंधकारमय हो जाना
      (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं

      1. $קгค๔єєק$


      2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      3. cActi~HEALER

        S6. Ans.(d)जीवन अंधकारमय हो जाना

    9. cActi~HEALER

      निर्देश (7-10) :निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा शब्द-वाक्यांश में मोटे अक्षरों में लिखे गए शब्द/वाक्यांश का समानार्थी है?
      7. प्रकोप
      (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


          1. Jellyfish

            Bb kaise so to effect hoga na

          2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            sb alg h

      2. cActi~HEALER

        S7. Ans.(b)प्रभाव

      3. $קгค๔єєק$


  4. Jellyfish

    Good evening frds

    1. $קгค๔єєק$

      gud evng..:)

    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      gud eeveeeee

      1. Jellyfish

        Ge gujju

  5. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    ge :))

    1. Jellyfish

      Aare aagayi aap

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

        hehe :))

    2. RV@DON

      Today Quiz?

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

        haan aj sure

  6. cActi~HEALER

    8. बलिदानी
    (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं.

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        meaning sirjeeeee yh to opposite lg rhaaa..:))))

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

          hahhaa sir je hum to tukke laga rheeeee

    3. cActi~HEALER

      S8. Ans.(c)त्यागी

  7. @chasmish_/_NJLI


  8. cActi~HEALER

    9. मृत्यु-वरण करना
    (a)आत्मघाती कदम
    (b)आत्म हत्या के लिए प्रवृत्त होना
    (c)युद्ध के लिए उकसाना
    (d)साहस का संचार करना
    (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. cActi~HEALER

      S9. Ans.(b)आत्महत्या के लिए प्रवृत्त होना

  9. cActi~HEALER

    10. धूप-छाँह के समान
    (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. RV@DON


    3. cActi~HEALER

      S10. Ans. (a)क्षणभंगुर

  10. cActi~HEALER

    निर्देश (11-15): नीचे दिए गए प्रत्येक प्रश्न में एक रिक्त स्थान छूटा हुआ है और उसके नीचे पांच शब्द सुझाए गए हैं. इनमें से कोई एक उस रिक्त स्थान पर रख देने से वह वाक्य एक अर्थपूर्ण वाक्य बन जाता हैं. सही शब्द ज्ञात कर उसके क्रमांक को उत्तर के रूप में अंकित कीजिए, दिए गए शब्दों में से सर्वाधिक उपयुक्त का चयन करना है.

    1. cActi~HEALER

      11. आपराधिक प्रवृति के लोगों से न तो मित्रता अच्छी होती है और न …….
      (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      3. GujjU PoOH_N!T

        me too 😛

      4. cActi~HEALER

        S11. Ans.(d)शत्रुता

    2. cActi~HEALER

      12. विश्व कल्याण के लिए शिव ने सुधा दे दिया और खुद ………..पी गए.
      (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      3. cActi~HEALER

        S12. Ans. (a)हलाहल

    3. cActi~HEALER

      13. अच्छे गुणों को संग्रह करना चाहिए तथा दुर्गुणों का ………… कर देना चाहिए.
      (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      2. cActi~HEALER

        S13. Ans. (b)त्याग

    4. cActi~HEALER

      14. नदियों का जल मन्थर गति से बहता है लेकिन जैसे ही ढलान आता है उसकी गति ……….. हो जाती है
      (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      3. cActi~HEALER

        S14. Ans. (a)तीव्र

    5. cActi~HEALER

      15. मातृभाषा हिन्दी की उपेक्षा के चलते यह अंग्रेजी का स्थान ले सकने में असमर्थ है फिर भी इससे अभी …………. की जा सकती है.
      (e)इनमें से कोई नहीं

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      2. cActi~HEALER

        S15. Ans.(c)अपेक्षा

  11. cActi~HEALER

    निर्देश (11-15) : नीचे दिया गया प्रत्येक वाक्य चार भागों में बाँटा गया है (a), (b), (c) और (d) क्रमांक दिए गए हैं। आपको यह देखना है कि वाक्य के किसी भाग में व्याकरण, भाषा, वर्तनी, शब्दों के गलत प्रयोग या इसी तरह की कोई त्रुटि तो नहीं है। त्रुटि अगर होगी तो वाक्य के किसी एक भाग में ही होगी। उस भाग का क्रमांक ही उत्तर है। अगर वाक्य त्रुटिरहित है तो उत्तर (e) दीजिए।

    1. cActi~HEALER

      11. दहेज-प्रथा के कारण (a)/महिलाओं को (b)/उत्पीड़न एवं कठोर दण्ड का (c)/भोगी बनना पड़ता है (d)/कोई त्रुटि नहीं (e)

      1. cActi~HEALER

        S11. Ans. (d)भोगी के स्थान पर ‘भागी’ होगा।

    2. cActi~HEALER

      12. मैं यह निस्संकोचपूर्वक (a)/नहीं कह सकता हूँ कि (b)/हम दिन-प्रतिदिन जरूरतों के (c)/गुलाम होते जा रहे हैं (d)/कोई त्रुटि नहीं (e)

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      2. cActi~HEALER

        S12. Ans. (a)‘निस्संकोचपूर्वक’ के स्थान पर ‘दावे के साथ’ होगा।

    3. cActi~HEALER

      13. विद्या समाप्त करके (a)/मैं व्यापार करूंगा (b)/यह कह कर छात्र ने सिर नीचा कर लिया (c)/और विनम्र भाव से खड़ा रहा (d)/कोई त्रुटि नहीं (e)

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      2. cActi~HEALER

        S13. Ans. (a)‘समाप्त’ के स्थान पर ‘सम्पन्न’ होगा।

    4. cActi~HEALER

      14. दानवीर दयालु व्यक्ति को (a)/महादानी कहते हैं (b)/क्यांकि वह अकेला (c)/दीन-दुखियों की रक्षा करता है (d)/कोई त्रुटि नहीं (e)

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      3. cActi~HEALER

        S14. Ans. (a)‘दयालु’ का प्रयोग अनावश्यक है।

        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

          क्यांकि ye glt h :((

          1. cActi~HEALER

            spelling ko ignore karo

          2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            wha likha to h spelling bhi 😀

          3. cActi~HEALER

            then ans. to yahi h yaar

          4. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    5. cActi~HEALER


      15. जवाहरलाल नेहरू ने (a)/अपनी आत्मकथा में (b)/स्वतंत्रता संघर्ष का (c)/जीवन्त अंकन किया है (d)/कोई त्रुटि नहीं (e)

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      2. cActi~HEALER

        S15. Ans. (b)‘अपनी’ का प्रयोग अनावश्यक है।

        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    1. cActi~HEALER

      11. दहेज-प्रथा के कारण (a)/महिलाओं को (b)/उत्पीड़न एवं कठोर दण्ड का (c)/भोगी बनना पड़ता है (d)/कोई त्रुटि नहीं (e)

      1. _/_


      2. Ak(fastidious)


        1. _/_

          u ki aajj holiday hai?

          1. Ak(fastidious)

            Haan pat felicity

          2. Ak(fastidious)

            Aap felicity haan kiya

          3. Ak(fastidious)


          4. Ak(fastidious)


          5. Ak(fastidious)

            Dbz bhai kiya haal hai

      3. ครђ


        भोगी =भागी

  12. cActi~HEALER

    BBYE ..

    1. paakhi

      ty..CA topic n time?

      1. cActi~HEALER

        11pm ..
        2nd week of aug . is going on

        1. paakhi

          ok 🙂 hope will there

    2. Ak(fastidious)

      Tc bye

    3. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bhaiiiiiiiiiiii :))))))))))))))))))))))))

      1. Ak(fastidious)

        Hwz u bro

        1. Jellyfish

          Fine bro
          What about u

          1. Ak(fastidious)

            F9 bro

    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      ty cacti mam :))))

    5. ครђ

      Thanks Cacti 🙂

  13. paakhi

    ge mam 🙂

  14. Jellyfish

    Eng quiz??

  15. cActi~HEALER

    ENG. QUIZ AT 8:15PM

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. $קгค๔єєק$

      power cut ho gyi thi mam isly puri quiz ni attend kr paya..:(

      1. cActi~HEALER

        oh koi baat nahi

  16. Namita singh

    hello every1

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      1. Namita singh

        tu yhi tha
        bdi khus lg rha

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

          jaa rha thaa
          tu dekhi to ruk gyaa

          1. RV@DON

            he he he he ….

          2. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            gud eve sir

          3. Namita singh

            chlo mai v ja rhi

          4. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            eng quiz krti jaa

          5. Namita singh

            aaj nhi tabiyat thik nhi hai 🙁

          6. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            ohhh GWT

          7. GujjU PoOH_N!T


          8. Namita singh

            hain GWS ?

          9. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            get well soon

          10. Namita singh

            thoda kam sort likha kr:P

          11. GujjU PoOH_N!T


          12. _/_

            hr kisi ko dekh ke tum line hi maate ho…………….p

          13. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            aunty chup reeeeee

          14. _/_

            tu hoga aunty tbhi din raat aunty ke spne aate

          15. GujjU PoOH_N!T


          16. Namita singh

            ye uncle hai

          17. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            yha nai :/

          18. Namita singh


      1. Namita singh

        hello yuvi

        1. yuvi

          ki haal namita ji..id kyu delete kr di?

          1. Namita singh

            aise hi yar thik thak hu

  17. %%%

    the price of petrol increased from rs 140per litre to rs 180 per liter by what % should cut down on his petrol consumption. if he can afford to increase his expenditure on petrol by 9.09%?

    1. Eng m AweSomE

      pehele b puch chuke the

      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        wo options match nhi kr rha hoga naa isly sirjeee

        1. Eng m AweSomE

          15% asa kuch ans tha

          1. $קгค๔єєק$

            yess ans toh yhi h butt jo options is k diye wo single digits k h ..:)

    2. Answer is 15.15%

      The options given for this question are incorrect
      They are in single digit

  18. Eng m AweSomE


  19. Good Evening Everyone 🙂

    1. ครђ

      Gdeve Shubhra Mam :))

    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      ge mam

    3. !SAY MY NAME!

      GE mam 😉

    4. $קгค๔єєק$

      gud evng mam…hi…:))

    5. S.Niharika ??????????

      good eve

  20. Where usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE ?

    (a) The writer complained that the credit at the end of the film did not mention his name.
    (b) A long term credit has more to do with trust than with greed.
    (c) He is such a noble character that he never takes any credit for his kindly acts.
    (d) The boss’s assistant was quite willing to accept undeserved credit for the deal’s success.
    (e) None of the above is correct.

    1. S.Niharika ??????????


    2. A

      Credits- publicly acknowledge a contributor’s role in the production of (something published or broadcast).

  21. The __________ of the desert explains why so many Egyptian mummies are still intact, whereas the humidity of the tombs in tropical rain forests supports the agents of decay so that few Aztec mummies have __________.

    (a) heat … survived
    (b) aridity … endured
    (c) dehydration … decayed
    (d) barrenness … proliferated
    (e) seclusion … surfaced

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. (b) aridity … endured

    3. S.Niharika ??????????


  22. They __________ until there was no recourse but to __________ a desperate, last–minute solution to the problem.
    (a) berated … try
    (b) delayed … envision
    (c) procrastinated … implement
    (d) debated … maintain
    (e) filibustered … reject

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. S.Niharika ??????????


    3. (c) procrastinated … implement

  23. The Wankel Rotary Engine was an engineering marvel that substantially reduced automobile exhaust emissions, but because it was less fuel–efficient than the standard piston–cylinder engine, it was __________ in the early 1970s when __________ pollution gave way to panic over fuel shortages.
    (a) needed … disillusionment with
    (b) conceived … attention on
    (c) modified … opinion on
    (d) abandoned … preoccupation with
    (e) discarded … interest in

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. (d) abandoned … preoccupation with

      second word in (e) does not fit

  24. Friendship, no matter how __________, has its boundaries; __________ advice, when thrust insistently upon one, is rarely an act of friendship, regardless of the adviser’s intent.
    (a) cool … contradictory
    (b) enjoyable … obverse
    (c) intimate … unsolicited
    (d) distant … marital
    (e) special … desired

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    2. S.Niharika ??????????


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    4. (c) intimate … unsolicited

      Choice (a) and (d) can be eliminated because the first word in each is the opposite of close.

  25. Despite generous helpings of __________ from a group of __________ critics, this iconoclastic poet’s three volumes have sold steadily.
    (a) zeal … hidebound
    (b) mockery … obscure
    (c) tedium … respected
    (d) abuse … ineffectual
    (e) vitriol … influential

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


      1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

        tukka 😀

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

          ge mam

          1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

            vge sir :))

        2. Ak(fastidious)

          Hwz u sis

          1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

            ak bro :)) how r u ???

          2. Ak(fastidious)

            F9 sis

          3. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

            how is job going :))

          4. Ak(fastidious)

            Chal raha suraj bro aata hai ab yahan

          5. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

            suraj ki joining ho gyi abhi busy hai :)) lucknow me hi hain sir

          6. Ak(fastidious)

            Rbi join kiya hai woh ar aapka kiya chal raha hai

          7. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

            bus abhi interview prep and rrb prep :)) yes he in rbi

          8. Ak(fastidious)

            Wow kis exam ka interview sis

          9. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

            sbi :p

          10. Ak(fastidious)

            Congo u deserve it atb

          11. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

            thankyou so much bro :)) tc

          12. Ak(fastidious)

            Sucess story jaror likna

          13. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

            yaa sure bro :))) eagerly waiting to share ,,:)

    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    3. !SAY MY NAME!


    4. (e) vitriol … influential

      vitriol — bitter criticism or malice.

  26. Because the different components of the film industry were “vertically” oriented —arranged so that all __________, from production to projection, were held by one company—it was __________ that monopolistic practices would arise.
    (a) opportunities for control … inevitable
    (b) burdens of business … understandable
    (c) exercises of power … appropriate
    (d) means of solicitation … predictable
    (e) perquisites of commerce … unsavory

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    3. S.Niharika ??????????


    4. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    5. (a) opportunities for control … inevitable

      Choices (b) and (d) can be eliminated because the words for the first blank, burdens of business and means of solicitation, are not logical

  27. _/_

    mujhe hi tuff lg rha ya u r all feeling same

    1. Eng m AweSomE


    2. paakhi

      level is good

    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      same 😀

    4. S.Niharika ??????????

      mujhe bhi

  28. From the __________ that the peasants tried to conceal as they knelt before the body of the dictator’s son, I concluded that, far from affection, it was __________ that had brought them to the wake.
    (a) hatred … sarcasm
    (b) reticence … violence
    (c) diligence … adulation
    (d) trepidation … fear
    (e) sorrow … patriotism

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. _/_

      mam need solution in details plz

      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

        use google translator

    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    4. S.Niharika ??????????


    5. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    6. D

      Starting with the second blank since you have a little more information to work with there, (d) looks like the best answer. It makes sense that fear would bring them to the wake of the dictator’s son. The first word, trepidation, also fits the sentence, since it means “apprehension.” Choice (a) can be eliminated because there is no indication in the sentence that the peasants are concealing sarcasm, and they would not show this if felt something as extreme as hatred. Likewise, the second word in (b), violence, is not suggested from the clues. (c), adulation, and (e), patriotism, are positive.

  29. These are from GRE blog

    1. paakhi

      nic one mam (y)

    2. Eng m AweSomE

      sbi wala

        1. Eng m AweSomE

          sbi preli ques ishi blog se dala tha sayed ques

          1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

            achha 😐 matlb iske sab ques padh daalen ab

          2. Eng m AweSomE

            ab toh sbko paata chal gya…ab dusre se dega..:P

          3. acha. I did not know

            Keep telling aisa kuch pta chle to

    3. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

      okk mam 🙂 tbhi itne innocent ques hain

    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      ok mam continue
      level is good 🙂

  30. Despite the increased attention __________ juvenile delinquency, there has been a __________ in crimes committed by juveniles.
    (a) allotted to … dip
    (b) offered to … development
    (c) given to … rise
    (d) spent on … decrease
    (e) withdrawn from … growth

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      1. _/_

        u khan se pdte u ko bhut aata eng me

        1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

          uski shakl dekho padh padh ke yee face ban gyaa uska :p

          1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


        2. GujjU PoOH_N!T

          oxford dict.
          tabhi un logo ne haal me hi translation dia gujarati me …..p

    3. S.Niharika ??????????


    4. !SAY MY NAME!


    5. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    6. RV@DON

      (c) given to … rise

    7. (c) given to … rise

      given to – is only apt in 1st blank

  31. Much of the Beatles’ music, as evidenced by “All You Need Is Love,” was characterized by a superficial __________ subtly contradicted by an inherent, deeper cynicism.
    (a) competence
    (b) world–weariness
    (c) liveliness
    (d) naivete
    (e) gloss

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

      dd ??

    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    4. (d) naivete

      naivete — lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement.

  32. During their famous clash, Jung was ambivalent about Freud so he attacked the father of modern psychoanalysis even as he __________ him.
    (a) enlightened
    (b) chastened
    (c) revered
    (d) despised
    (e) understood

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    3. Eng m AweSomE

      vocab m weak

    4. S.Niharika ??????????


    5. (c) revered

      revere – feel deep respect or admiration for (something).

      Choice (c) looks good since revered is a very positive word. Choice (b) and (d) can be eliminated because they are negative. Choice (a) is out because it doesn’t make sense in the context of the sentence. If Jung enlightened Freud, it might have a positive effect on Freud, but it is impossible to say whether this would have a positive or negative impact on Jung. Choice (e) is not a good answer because understood doesn’t provide a contrast with attacked.

      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        hoiiii mam…:)))

        1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


  33. Here was not a quick but rather a through intelligence; however __________, she came to __________ all things touching her life.
    (a) unmindfully … embrace
    (b) desperately … appreciate
    (c) slowly … jettison
    (d) methodically … discern
    (e) ploddingly … understand

    1. RV@DON

      (e) ploddingly … understand

    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. E
      plodding — slow-moving and unexciting.

      Since the prediction for the first blank is more precise, start there. Choices (c) and (e) look good because the first word in each matches your prediction. Looking at the second blank, (c) can be eliminated. It would not make sense that she would jettison, or get rid of, all things in her life. Choice (e) looks good for both blanks. Eliminate (a) and (b), because the first word in each does not relate to how slowly she thinks. Similarly, eliminate (d), because methodically does not indicate how slowly the thinking is done, just the manner in which it is done.

    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI


  34. Considering the __________ era in which the novel was written, its tone and theme are remarkably __________.
    (a) enlightened … disenchanted
    (b) scholarly … undramatic
    (c) superstitious … medieval
    (d) permissive … puritanical
    (e) undistinguished … commonplace

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. RV@DON

      (b) scholarly … undramatic

    3. $קгค๔єєק$


    4. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    5. S.Niharika ??????????


    6. (d) permissive … puritanical

      Just be sure that the answer contains two opposite or contrasting words.
      Considering the permissive era in which the novel was written, its tone and theme are remarkably puritanical.

  35. Sincere Baccha

    Gd evn all bankers & Shubhra mam.. 🙂

    1. M@nish...

      good evg sincere bache :p

      1. Sincere Baccha

        yup.. 🙂

        1. $קгค๔єєק$


        2. M@nish...

          ap to sach me sincere hai congrats

          1. Sincere Baccha


    2. $קгค๔єєק$

      sincere bachha gud eveng..:)

      1. Sincere Baccha

        bhai geeeee 🙂

    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      ge :))

      1. Sincere Baccha

        geee mam

  36. Feuds tend to arise in societies that __________ centralized government; when public justice is difficult to enforce, private recourse is more __________.
    (a) espouse … acceptable
    (b) affirm … objectionable
    (c) dislike … satisfying
    (d) reject … brutal
    (e) lack … effective

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    4. (e) lack … effective

  37. S.Niharika ??????????


    1. ADK

      Feuds tend to arise in societies that __________ centralized government; when public justice is difficult to enforce, private recourse is more __________.
      (a) espouse … acceptable
      (b) affirm … objectionable
      (c) dislike … satisfying
      (d) reject … brutal
      (e) lack … effective

      1. S.Niharika ??????????


        1. (e) lack … effective

    2. $קгค๔єєק$

      Feuds tend to arise in societies that __________ centralized government; when public justice is difficult to enforce, private recourse is more __________.
      (a) espouse … acceptable
      (b) affirm … objectionable
      (c) dislike … satisfying
      (d) reject … brutal
      (e) lack … effective

      1. S.Niharika ??????????


  38. He must always be the center of attention; he would rather be criticized than __________.
    (a) ignored
    (b) selfish
    (c) remembered
    (d) praised
    (e) different

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


      1. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

      its me 😀

      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        btye kyu aapko criticze kre any reason lolzzzzz…:)

        1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


          1. M@nish...

            hihi k liye critise not a big reason :p 😀

          2. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

            😀 😀

    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    5. S.Niharika ??????????


    6. A

      A prediction: “He’d rather be criticized than ignored.”
      Choice (a) matches the prediction, but look at the others just to be sure. Scanning the other choices quickly you see that all of the remaining options do not support the first part of the sentence. None of these other choices reinforces the idea that he always has to be the center of attention.

  39. Greek philosophers tried to __________ contemporary notions of change and stability by postulating the existence of the atom, __________ particle from which all varieties of matter are formed.
    (a) personify … a mutating
    (b) reconcile … an indivisible
    (c) simplify … a specific
    (d) eliminate … an infinitesimal
    (e) confirm … an interesting

    1. jyotika


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    4. RV@DON

      (d) eliminate … an infinitesimal

    5. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      1. jyotika

        atom is devisible

    6. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    7. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

      bb 😀

      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        hehehehehe mam kya hogya aaj apan dono ko more than 1 ans de rhe hehehhehe

        1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    8. $קгค๔єєק$


    9. B

      Choice (b) is the only one is which the first word reflects the context of the sentence. Reconcile (which means “settle a dispute”) is the perfect description of trying to rationalize the simultaneous existence of opposing forces. The second word looks good, too. Choices (a), (c), (d) and (e) can be eliminated on the basis of the first word in each. There is no suggestion in the sentence that any of these things is what the philosophers wanted to do.

  40. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    kuchh bhi nai aa rha :((((

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI



    (a) Even though Clovis points, spear points with longitudinal grooves chipped onto their faces, have been found all over North America, they are named for the New Mexico site where they were first discovered in 1932.

    (b) Although named for the New Mexico site where first discovered in 1932, Clovis points are spear points of longitudinal grooves chipped onto their faces and have been found all over North America.

    (c) Named for the New Mexico site where they have been first discovered in 1932, Clovis points, spear points of longitudinal grooves chipped onto the faces, have been found all over North America.

    (d) Spear point with longitudinal grooves that are chipped onto the faces, Clovis points, even though named for the New Mexico site where first discovered in 1932, but were found all over North America.

    (e) While Clovis points are spear points whose faces have longitudinal grooves chipped into them, they have been found all over North America, and named for the New Mexico site where they have been first discovered in 1932.

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. $קгค๔єєק$

      not gettinggg

      1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

        kyaa ques hai 😐

        1. $קгค๔єєק$

          hehheheee isly to mam

        2. ครђ

          Aaj to mam ne Hila dala :p

          1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    3. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    4. S.Niharika ??????????


    5. $קгค๔єєק$

      aaaaa i think still not getting

      1. _/_

        cc hoga fir se read kro

        1. $קгค๔єєק$

          nhi phli sentece har hisab se sahi h is nazariye se ccc jo h have been means koi past incident jo definate nhi h isly a is more apt here

      2. _/_

        sry mera wrong ho gya

    6. Divaker

      Aaa ??? Not sure

    7. A

      Even though, although, and while introduce clauses that appear to be logically incompatible but in fact are not. In this sentence, the apparent incompatibility that must be clearly expressed is that although the spear points are named for a particular place in New Mexico, they are in fact found throughout North America. Because their discovery took place in 1932 and is not ongoing, the correct verb tense is simple past, not present perfect.

      (a) Correct. Then even though clause expresses clearly that the seeming incompatibility is between where the spear points have been found (all over North America) and the naming of the spear points for a single site in New Mexico.

    8. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      koi galat hi nai lg rha :((

      1. Divaker

        He he he gh

      2. M@nish...

        koi galat h hi nhi isme best way pucha h h :p

  42. S.Niharika ??????????


    1. RV@DON

      weekend special

      1. S.Niharika ??????????


    2. $קгค๔єєק$

      still u got it naa then no difficult

      1. S.Niharika ??????????

        mushkil se


    (a) Heating-oil prices are expected to be higher this year than last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil than they were last year

    (b) Heating-oil prices are expected to rise higher this year over last because refiners pay about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did last year

    (c) Expectations are for heating-oil prices to be higher this year than last year’s because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did last year

    (d) It is the expectation that heating-oil prices will be higher for this year over last because refiners are paying about $5 a barrel more for crude oil now than what they were last year

    (e) It is expected that heating-oil prices will rise higher this year than last year’s because refiners pay about $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did last year

    1. S.Niharika ??????????


    2. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    3. A

      in comparison, no need to right the word again na
      higher this year than last year’s
      higher this year than last – works fine

      The sentence connects a comparison between this year’s and last year’s heating-oil prices with a comparison between this year’s and last year’s crude-oil prices. The most efficient, parallel expression of those comparisons is to use two comparative expressions, higher than and more than.

      (a) Correct. This sentence expresses the comparison in succinct, parallel phrases.

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

        mam i chose b
        please tell wo kse wrong

        1. $5 a barrel for crude oil more than they did last year ??

          meaning ?

          1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            yes understood

    4. $קгค๔єєק$



    In an effort to reduce their inventories, Italian vintners have cut prices; their wines have been priced to sell, and they are.
    (a) have been priced to sell, and they are
    (b) are priced to sell, and they have
    (c) are priced to sell, and they do
    (d) are being priced to sell, and have
    (e) had been priced to sell, and they have

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    3. RV@DON

      (b) are priced to sell, and they have

    4. M@nish...

      sare option ho gye

    5. S.Niharika ??????????


    6. (c) are priced to sell, and they do

      In the bold segment, the second verb does not need to repeat the word sell because it is understood from the previous verb phrase priced to sell. However, the second verb must be correctly conjugated with the understood sell. They are sell is not a correct verb from; they do sell is correct.

      (c) Correct. This sentence properly uses they do in place of they do sell, a grammatically correct verb.

  45. $קгค๔єєק$

    ???? answer???

  46. That s all for today

    GN 🙂

    1. RV@DON

      Many Thanks

    2. M@nish...

      ty gn mam

    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      thanks mam gn :))))

        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    4. paakhi

      ty..gn mam
      nic quiz

    5. $קгค๔єєק$

      gud nyt swt drmzzzz mam…tc nd stay blzzzd..:)

    6. !SAY MY NAME!

      thank you mam 😉

    7. ครђ

      Gudnyt mam 🙂

      Thanks for the quiz :)) tc

  47. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    lets start

  48. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    Q1. The RBI has cut the repo rate by 25 bps in third bi-monthly monetary policy 2017. What is the rate of present Repo Rate?
    (a) 5.75 per cent
    (b) 6.00 per cent
    (c) 6.25 per cent
    (d) 6.50 per cent
    (e) 5.50 per cent

    1. RV@DON

      (b) 6.00 per cent

    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      S1. Ans.(b)
      Sol. On the basis of an assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic situation at its meeting, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), headed by Urjit Patel, decided to reduce the Policy Repo Rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) by 25 basis points from 6.25 per cent to 6.0 per cent with immediate effect.

  49. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    Q2. Which among the following public sector Banks has offered BBPS, introduced by the National Payments Corporation of India for its customers?
    (a) Bank of Baroda
    (b) State Bank of India
    (c) Central Bank of India
    (d) Punjab National Bank
    (e) Indian Overseas Bank

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      S2. Ans.(e)
      Sol. Public sector Indian Overseas Bank has offered Bharat Bill Payment System, introduced by the National Payments Corporation of India, for its customers. BBPS is an integrated bill payment system that offers inter-operable online bill payments to customers.

    2. $קгค๔єєק$


  50. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    Q3. Which Bank has launched its first ‘Digital Banking Branch’ named ‘CANDI’ in Bengaluru?
    (a) Union Bank
    (b) ICICI Bank
    (c) Canara Bank
    (d) Indian Bank
    (e) Axis Bank

    1. RV@DON

      (c) Canara Bank

    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      S3. Ans.(c)
      Sol. Canara Bank has launched its first ‘Digital Banking Branch’ named ‘CANDI’ in Bengaluru. The branch will provide an end-to-end digital experience to customers. The bank has introduced customer-friendly mobile apps which help customers get most of the information related to their accounts from the app without the need to visit the branch.

  51. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    Q4. The decline in the rate of inflation and high real interest rates have prompted State Bank of India to cut the savings bank deposits rate from 4 per cent to ___________ on deposits below Rs. 1 crore.
    (a) 3.50 per cent
    (b) 2.75 per cent
    (c) 3.75 per cent
    (d) 3.30 per cent
    (e) 3.00 per cent

    1. RV@DON

      (a) 3.50 per cent

    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      S4. Ans.(a)
      Sol. The decline in rate of inflation and high real interest rates have prompted State Bank of India to cut the savings bank deposits rate from 4 per cent to 3.5 per cent on deposits below Rs. 1 crore. This cut in savings bank rate will prompt many banks to follow suit.

  52. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    Q5. The RBI has imposed a penalty of Rs. 3 crore on state-owned Union Bank of India for “non-compliance” with the directions on KYC norms. KYC stands for-?
    (a) Know Your Commerce
    (b) Know Your Conclusion
    (c) Kite Your Customer
    (d) Know Your Customer
    (e) Know Your Consumer

    1. RV@DON

      (d) Know Your Customer

    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      S5. Ans.(d)
      Sol. The RBI has imposed a penalty of Rs. 3 crore on state-owned Union Bank of India for “non-compliance” with the directions on Know Your Customer (KYC) norms.

  53. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    6. Which of the following payments bank has announced a strategic partnership with Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) to give the further boost to digital payments in the country and add to customer convenience?
    (a) Aditya Birla Nuvo
    (b) Department of Posts
    (c) Airtel Payments Bank
    (d) FINO PayTech
    (e) National Securities Depository

    1. RV@DON

      (c) Airtel Payments Bank

    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      6. Ans.(c)
      Sol. Airtel Payments Bank, India’s first payments bank has announced a strategic partnership with Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) to give further boost to digital payments in the country and to add to customer convenience.

  54. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    Q7. Name the smartphone maker company, which has tied up with State Bank of India to store higher variants of SBI debit cards on the app.
    (a) Samsung
    (b) Motorola
    (c) Apple
    (d) Lava
    (e) Sony

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      S7. Ans.(a)
      Sol. Smartphone-maker Samsung, which recently launched its digital wallet app Samsung Pay in India, has tied up with State Bank of India to store higher variants of SBI debit cards on the app.

  55. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    Q8. Karnataka Bank has raised interest rates on savings bank account for large balance above Rs 1 crore to 5% while for small balances below Rs 1 lakh, the bank has reduced it to 3%. Where is the corporate office of Karnataka Bank-?
    (a) Mengaluru
    (b) Bengaluru
    (c) Mumbai
    (d) Chennai
    (e) Kochin

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      S8. Ans.(a)
      Sol. Karnataka Bank has raised interest rates on savings bank account for large balance above Rs 1 crore to 5% while for small balances below Rs 1 lakh, the bank has reduced it to 3%. Earlier the private bank was charging 4% irrespective of the amount in the account. Karnataka Bank was incorporated in 1924 at Mangaluru.

  56. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    Q9. Kotak Mahindra Bank has launched Kotak Remit— an Aadhaar-based integrated outward forex remittance solution for both customers and non-customers recently. Who is the Executive Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Kotak Mahindra Bank?
    (a) VY Reddy
    (b) Aditya Kapoor
    (c) Shikha Sharma
    (d) Uday Kotak
    (e) Nita Ambani

    1. RV@DON

      (d) Uday Kotak

    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      S9. Ans.(d)
      Sol. Kotak Mahindra Bank has launched Kotak Remit — an Aadhaar-based integrated outward forex remittance solution for both customers and non-customers. Mr. Uday Kotak is the Executive Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Kotak Mahindra Bank.

  57. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    Q10. From 01st September 2017 Punjab National Bank’s customers will have to pay charges for depositing cash above _______ in a non-base branch even if it is located in the same city.
    (a) Rs. 15,000
    (b) Rs. 25,000
    (c) Rs. 5,000
    (d) Rs. 10,000
    (e) Rs. 20,000

    1. RV@DON

      (c) Rs. 5,000

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

        go and take rest >_<

    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      S10. Ans.(c)
      Sol. Come September, PNB customers will have to pay charges for depositing cash above Rs. 5,000 in a non-base branch even if it is located in the same city. Currently, the customers of Punjab National Bank have levied charges only for depositing cash over Rs. 25,000 at a non-base branch within the same city.

      1. Maahi!!

        Baap re… Ramayan

  58. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    Q11. Which Bank has launched instant credit cards enabling its savings account customers to get a credit card instantly, in a completely digital and paperless manner recently?
    (a) State Bank of India
    (b) ICICI Bank
    (c) Axis Bank
    (d) Bank of Baroda
    (e) HDFC Bank

    1. RV@DON

      (b) ICICI Bank

    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      S11. Ans.(b)
      Sol. The country’s largest private sector lender, ICICI Bank has launched instant credit cards enabling its savings account customers to get a credit card instantly, in a completely digital and paperless manner.

  59. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    Q12. Private sector lender IDFC Bank has partnered with digital payments company Zeta, to launch ‘IDFC Bank Benefits’. It is a payment solution for corporates that digitizes employee spends and claims, making the process simple, real-time and paperless. Where is the head office of IDFC Bank?
    (a) Chennai
    (b) New Delhi
    (c) Jaipur
    (d) Kolkata
    (e) Mumbai

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      S12. Ans.(e)
      Sol. Private sector lender IDFC Bank has partnered with digital payments company Zeta, to launch ‘IDFC Bank Benefits’. It is a payment solution for corporates that digitizes employee spends and claims, making the process simple, real-time and paperless. The Head office of IDFC Bank is in Mumbai.

  60. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    Q13. Syndicate Bank has pared its marginal cost of funds based lending rate (MCLR) by 5-10 basis points in certain maturity buckets recently. Where is the headquarter of Syndicate Bank?
    (a) Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
    (b) Jaipur, Rajasthan
    (c) Kolkata, West Bengal
    (d) Manipal, Karnataka
    (e) Chennai, Tamil Nadu

    1. RV@DON

      (d) Manipal, Karnatak

    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      S13. Ans.(d)
      Sol. Syndicate Bank has pared its marginal cost of funds based lending rate (MCLR) by 5-10 basis points in certain maturity buckets. MCLR for six months and one year will be 8.3 per cent (8.35 per cent now) and 8.5 per cent (8.60 per cent now), respectively, with effect from August 10. Headquarter of Syndicate Bank is in Manipal, Karnataka.

  61. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    Q14. India signed a loan agreement with Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) for the financing of USD 329 million for Gujarat Rural Roads Project. AIIB based in-?
    (a) Japan
    (b) China
    (c) Germany
    (d) France
    (e) USA

    1. RV@DON

      (b) China….bejine

    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


      1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

        oy que me dia hai

    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      S14. Ans.(b)
      Sol. India signed a loan agreement with Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) for financing of USD 329 million for Gujarat Rural Roads Project. Headquarters of AIIB is located in Beijing, China

  62. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    Q15. Private sector lender Axis Bank reduced interest rate on savings bank accounts by 50 basis points to 3.5 per cent for deposits up to-
    (a) Rs 1 lakh
    (b) Rs 80 lakh
    (c) Rs 20 lakh
    (d) Rs 50 lakh
    (e) Rs 10 lakh

    1. RV@DON

      (d) Rs 50 lakh

    2. yuvi

      ddd?indian bank ne aisa hi kiya hai

    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      S15. Ans.(d)
      Sol. Private sector lender Axis Bank reduced interest rate on savings bank accounts by 50 basis points to 3.5 per cent for deposits up to Rs 50 lakh. However, the bank will continue to pay 4 per cent interest on deposits of above Rs 50 lakh.

  63. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    As per MSMED Act 2006, In production/Manufacture, Micro Enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed _________
    A. 15 lakh
    B. 25 lakh
    C. 35 lakh
    D. 45 lakh
    E. None of these

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      B. 25 lakh
      As per MSMED Act 2006, In production/Manufacture, Micro Enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed 25 lakh.

  64. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    As per MSMED Act 2006, In production/Manufacture, Small Enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery is more than _________
    A. 15 lakh
    B. 25 lakh
    C. 35 lakh
    D. 45 lakh
    E. None of these

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      B. 25 lakh
      As per MSMED Act 2006, In production/Manufacture, Small Enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery is more than Rs.25 lakh

  65. yuvi

    ye pure whole month ka banking hai kya??

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      nai 15 questions aug k current banking the ab static part banking k

      1. yuvi

        kha se kra rhi chasmish?

        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

          phle ba ab ac

          1. yuvi

            BA wale banking alag se dalte kya?

          2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            haa :))

  66. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    As per MSMED Act 2006, In production/Manufacture, Small Enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed _____
    A. 8 crore
    B. 7 crore
    C. 6 crore
    D. 5 crore
    E. None of these

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      D. 5 crore
      As per MSMED Act 2006, In production/Manufacture, Small Enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed Rs. 5 crore

  67. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    As per MSMED Act 2006, In production/Manufacture, Medium Enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery is more than _________
    A. 8 crore
    B. 7 crore
    C. 6 crore
    D. 5 crore
    E. None of these

    1. RV@DON

      D. 5 crore…

    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      D. 5 crore
      As per MSMED Act 2006, In production/Manufacture, Medium Enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery is more than Rs. 5 crore

  68. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    As per MSMED Act 2006, In production/Manufacture, Medium Enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed _____
    A. 18 crore
    B. 20 crore
    C. 10 crore
    D. 15 crore
    E. None of these

    1. RV@DON

      D. 15 crore

    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      C. 10 crore
      As per MSMED Act 2006, In production/Manufacture, medium Enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed Rs. 10 crore

  69. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    As per MSMED Act 2006, In providing or rendering of services, Micro Enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed _________
    A. 15 lakh
    B. 10 lakh
    C. 35 lakh
    D. 45 lakh
    E. None of these

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      ye sb kya krva rhiiiiiii……which month

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

        ye month k lg rhe kya
        static part h banking ka
        current aug k the only 15 ques

    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      B. 10 lakh
      As per MSMED Act 2006, In providing or rendering of services, Micro Enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed 10 lakh

  70. @chasmish_/_NJLI

    15 questions daily krenge current banking se
    and 10 static banking part
    aj k liye itna hi
    gudnyt :))

    1. RV@DON

      Many thanks…..

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

        wc 🙂

    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      gd nyt

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

        cgl ho gya tera??

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


          1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

        wc dear :))

    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      उफ्फ चश्मिश :((

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


        1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

          Late ho gaya

          1. $קгค๔єєק$

            late commers get only bones..:)

          2. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Gm sir..

          3. $קгค๔єєק$

            naaa kal aapko kuch note down krne ko kha tha naaa bhul gye kyaa..:)

          4. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Gm evn sirr

          5. $קгค๔єєק$

            imposition likiye 100 tyms ki 8 o clk k bd sbi tyming nite mn count hoti h tbi aap ko yaad rhga ..lolzz

          6. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Acha to good nyt sir.

          7. $קгค๔єєק$

            aap to loaded h naaa aapki kha nyt hoti abi to aap active hue ho like batss

          8. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            koi nai aj se current part bhi krenge xam me banking k current part bht aate

          9. !!??♓??✅??*!!


          10. $קгค๔єєק$

            english ki quiz attend krne k bd b okay ki spllng wrong so saddd sirrr ap to english ka mazk bna k rkh rhe h lolzzzz

          11. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Eng n hamari zindgi barbaad kr diya:((

          12. $קгค๔єєק$

            hmmmmm aisa hi hota h aap english ka mzk bna rhe fr wo aapke critical tym mn aapka mzk bna rhaa loss aapka sirrrrrjeeee lolzzzz

          13. !!??♓??✅??*!!


          14. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            totla ho gya h :p

          15. !!??♓??✅??*!!


          16. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            hehehe 11 pm quiz aj hogi n??
            aj se mai bhi join krungi

          17. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Aaj se m nhi krunga..

          18. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            kyunnn? O_o

          19. $קгค๔єєק$

            are aise hi kh rhe sbse phle aate h yhhh just kidding..:)

          20. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            hehe ok bro :))

          21. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Kyuki tum aayogii na:pp
            Mummy n kahabh ladkiyon se duur rhena

          22. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            mai khrab hu?? :'((

          23. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Pata nhi mamma n bola ..ldkiyian gandi hoti h:pp

          24. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            kisi ki bhi mamma esa nai bolti :))
            gande log hote genders nai :))

          25. $קгค๔єєק$

            200% samarthan..:)

          26. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            Or ye bhi.kaha jiska name A se start ho..

          27. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            baat nai kro :/

          28. !!??♓??✅??*!!


          29. $קгค๔єєק$

            yessss suree..:)

          30. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            ok :))

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      over dear

      1. RV@DON

        Dear OMG..:)

        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

          hahah lol

  71. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  72. cActi~HEALER


    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      Mere aane se ye shubh karya hua kya??

      1. Eng m AweSomE

        bm pe kuch hota h?

        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

          Haaa home pg pe check krna
          Sara timetable dia wha

          1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            gandi bachhi quiz cacel krva di:((

          2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            Sahi me yar mere aate hi??

          3. Eng m AweSomE

            tum jaati ho?

          4. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            1 week se bht disturb thi kl se jaungi

        2. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


      2. cActi~HEALER

        nahi aisi koi baat nhi h dear 🙂

    2. _/_

      ok ty for information

  73. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    by Harsh gangwar..

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. Eng m AweSomE


    3. Hemant ahuja

      Whos dis

      1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

        sorry aap new ho sayed??

        1. Hemant ahuja

          Hum to khiladi hai

          1. $קгค๔єєק$

            aur yeh anadi..:))

        2. Hemant ahuja

          Hum to purane khiladi hai

  74. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    start kre???

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      Tumhi ho kya?

      1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      2. Hemant ahuja

        Anjali tum nhi samojgi

  75. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    1st ques..

    Who has won the 2017 Kenya Presidential election?

    [A] William Ruto
    [B] Raifa Odinga
    [C] Yoweri Museveni
    [D] Uhuru Kenyatta

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      [D] Uhuru Kenyatta

  76. Eng m AweSomE

    Find the wrong number
    try krna koi

    1. $קгค๔єєק$

      wrong no is 584

    2. $קгค๔єєק$

      70558 =35277*2+(2)^2
      35277 =11756*3+(3)^2
      11756 =2935 *4+(4)^2
      2935 =582*5 +(5)^2
      582 =91^6+(6)^2
      91 =6*7+(7)^2
      so wrong no is 584 instead it should b 582

  77. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    Maheshwari Chauhan is associated with which sports?

    [A] Shooting
    [B] Cricket
    [C] Boxing
    [D] Chess

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      [A] Shooting

  78. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    What is the theme of 2017 International Youth Day (IYD)?

    [A] Change Our World
    [B] Youth and Mental Health
    [C] Youth Building Peace
    [D] Youth Civic Engagement

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      [C] Youth Building Peace

  79. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    Which Indian sportsperson has been appointed as the WHO Goodwill
    Ambassador for physical activity in the South-East Asia Region (SEAR)?

    [A] Mary Kom
    [B] Milkha Singh
    [C] Pullela Gopichand
    [D] Abhinav Bindra

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


      1. _/_

        ambbi ke chacha ji

        1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  80. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    Who has been appointment as the new chief of the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC)?

    [A] Shyam Benegal
    [B] Prasoon Joshi
    [C] Naresh Chandra Lal
    [D] Vivek Agnihotri

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

      bbbb thank god

    2. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

      vivek agnihotri is in the board

    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      B] Prasoon Joshi

  81. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    Which of the following have won the 2017 The Hindu Playwright Award?

    [A] Deepika Arwind and K. Madavane
    [B] Manjima Chatterjee and Arshia Sattar
    [C] Gerish Khemani and Akshat Nigam
    [D] Sunil Shanbag and Keval Arora

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      C] Gerish Khemani and Akshat Nigam

  82. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    Which nationwide campaign has been launched by the Union Government to protect elephants?

    [A] Gaj Kesari Yatra
    [B] Gajanan Yatra
    [C] Gajraj Yatra
    [D] Gaj Yatra

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    3. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

      12 aug

      1. Hemant ahuja

        Tday 13 hai

        1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

          hmm 12 ko hi tha

    4. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      D] Gaj Yatra


      , Dr. Harsh Vardhan, launched ‘Gaj Yatra’,

  83. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    Which state government has launched mobile therapy vans for elderly people?

    [A] Bihar
    [B] Assam
    [C] Uttar Pradesh
    [D] Kerala

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      Mera wala

      1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


        1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


          1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            mera up

          2. @chasmish_/_NJLI

            Pta mere ko

    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      [A] Bihar

  84. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    Ruth Pfau, popularly known as Pakistan’s Mother Teresa has passed away. She hailed from which country?

    [A] Italy
    [B] United States
    [C] Germany
    [D] France

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  85. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    ISRO will launch a
    full-fledged niche Earth observation (EO) satellite “HySIS” to enable
    distinct identification of objects from space. What does “HySIS” stands

    [A] Hyperspectrum Imaging Satellite
    [B] Hyperspectral Imaging Satellite
    [C] Hyperspecialist Imaging Satellite
    [D] Hyperspectacle Imaging Satellit

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      B] Hyperspectral Imaging Satellite

  86. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    The Oxford University Press (OUP) has recently launched online dictionaries in which of the following Indian languages?

    [A] Tamil and Gujarati
    [B] Assamese and Bangla
    [C] Telugu and Marathi
    [D] Gujarati and Telugu

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    3. $קгค๔єєק$


    4. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      Tamil and Gujarati

  87. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    M Venkaiah Naidu has been sworn-in as 13th Vice President of India. He hails from which state?

    [A] Andhra Pradesh
    [B] Maharashtra
    [C] Tamil Nady
    [D] Karnataka

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      [A] Andhra Pradesh

  88. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    aaj suman ji nhi aaye??

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      prem se milne gye hoge

    2. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•

      usne msg diya tha harsh bhaai ko hello bol dena mera

      1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  89. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Who has been chosen for the first-ever Kesari Media Award?

    [A] Adoor Gopalakrishnan
    [B] R S Babu
    [C] M G Radhakrishnan
    [D] T J S George

    1. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    3. $קгค๔єєק$


    4. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      T J S George

  90. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    SEBI has recently allowed Multi Commodity Exchange of India (MCX) to
    launch gold options. The headquarters of MCX is located in which city?

    [A] Lucknow
    [B] New Delhi
    [C] Mumbai
    [D] Pune

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. .-•~¹°” Ambika : ˆ”°¹~•


    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    5. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      C] Mumbai

  91. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Who is the chairman of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)?

    [A] Alok Prakash Mittal
    [B] Manik S Das
    [C] Anil Sahasrabudhe
    [D] Krishna S Patil

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      C] Anil Sahasrabudhe

  92. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    The 2017 International Biodiesel Day (IBD) is celebrated on which date?

    [A] August 11
    [B] August 12
    [C] August 10
    [D] August 9

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      August 10

  93. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Which city to host the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES-2017)?

    [A] New Delhi
    [B] Mumbai
    [C] Chennai
    [D] Hyderabad

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      ivankaa aa rhi <3

      1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

        Sadi suda h??

        1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


          1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


          2. GujjU PoOH_N!T


          3. @chasmish_/_NJLI


      2. cActi~HEALER

        saath mein uske pitaji bhi aayenge 😛

        1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

          nai aa rhe wo

          1. cActi~HEALER

            to phir tumhara rasta clear h

          2. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            rishta leke jana tu

          3. cActi~HEALER

            tum uske pitaji se baat kr /..

          4. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            wo tu krna
            me ivanka se bat krunga

          5. cActi~HEALER

            wo apne bf se baat karegi

          6. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            me hi hu bf hahahahhaaaaaa

          7. GujjU PoOH_N!T

            auntyyyyyyyyyyy quiz me dyan deee

          8. GujjU PoOH_N!T


        2. _/_

          enke jsiako ko thode na bhav degi vo bhav degi salmaan ko……………….p

    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      D] Hyderabad

  94. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Who has become the first Indian athlete to qualify for javelin throw final at the IAAF World Athletics Championships (WAC)?

    [A] Anil Singh
    [B] Davinder Singh Kang
    [C] Devendra Jhajharia
    [D] Neeraj Chopra

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T




    3. $קгค๔єєק$


    4. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    5. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      Davinder Singh Kang

      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        sir kam se kam upvotes to dia kriye lolzz

        1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

          itna time nhi hota h hamare paas lolzzz

          1. $קгค๔єєק$

            ooooo achha pr comments k liye to hota h lolzzz

          2. !!??♓??✅??*!!

            abhi duty pr hi to silent mode lolzz

          3. $קгค๔єєק$

            hehehehhehehee koi bt ni sr pagaar k roop mn aapko bht sare thank yuu milenge quiz end hone k bdd ..:))))

          4. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  95. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    The 15th meeting of the Foreign Ministers of BIMSTEC countries has started in which city?

    [A] New Delhi
    [B] Colombo
    [C] Naypyidaw
    [D] Kathmandu

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!




    3. @chasmish_/_NJLI


  96. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      face pack lagane gyi

      1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  97. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Rinku Hooda, who won silver at the World U-20 Para Athletics Championships, is associated with which sports?

    [A] Javelin throw
    [B] Wrestling
    [C] Sprint
    [D] Judo

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    2. $קгค๔єєק$


    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      Javelin throw

  98. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) has launched Android Skill Development programme with which tech giant?

    [A] Microsoft
    [B] Google
    [C] Facebook
    [D] Wipro

    1. @chasmish_/_NJLI

      Same as gp

    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  99. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Which state government has launched a new awareness drive “Namami Gange Jagriti Yatra”?

    [A] West Bengal
    [B] Bihar
    [C] Uttar Pradesh
    [D] Uttarakhand

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. @chasmish_/_NJLI


    3. $קгค๔єєק$


      1. RaMpAgE

        hii bro when is your P.I??

        1. $קгค๔єєק$

          16 ko pta chelega bro..:))

          1. $קгค๔єєק$

            jii bro..shukriyaaa zrurt h iski..:))))

          2. RaMpAgE

            ho jayega bro apka 100%

          3. $קгค๔єєק$

            i wish broo…:)))

    4. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      hamara UP

  100. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Which state will become the India’s first state to implement coal utilisation between power units?

    [A] Gujarat
    [B] Madhya Pradesh
    [C] Rajasthan
    [D] Assam

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  101. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Which parliamentary panel has recently recommended 100% pension to widow of deceased soldier?

    [A] K P Saxena panel
    [B] B C Khanduri panel
    [C] P C Chaku panel
    [D] K T Prasad panel

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      ] B C Khanduri panel

  102. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Which union minister has launched the NCERT web portal for home delivery of books?

    [A] Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi
    [B] Dharmendra Pradhan
    [C] P P Choudhary
    [D] Upendra Kushwaha

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      Upendra Kushwaha

  103. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Sitaram Panchal, who passed away recently, was associated with which field?

    [A] Journalism
    [B] Politics
    [C] Film Industry
    [D] Sports

    1. $קгค๔єєק$




    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      [C] Film Industry

  104. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Which team has won the 2017 UEFA Super Cup football tournament?

    [A] Real Madrid
    [B] Barcelona
    [C] Manchester United
    [D] Chelsea

    1. $קгค๔єєק$

      11111 athletico de madrid

    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      ] Real Madrid

  105. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah

    2. $קгค๔єєק$


  106. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Kynan Chenai has won bronze in men’s trap event at the 7th Asian Championship Shotgun. He hails from which city?

    [A] New Delhi
    [B] Hyderabad
    [C] Jaipur
    [D] Bhopal

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  107. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Sanwar Lal Jat, the former Union minister has passed away. He hailed from which state?

    [A] Madhya Pradesh
    [B] Haryana
    [C] Rajasthan
    [D] Punjab

    1. $קгค๔єєק$


    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  108. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    India’s first micro forest will be built in which state?

    [A] Madhya Pradesh
    [B] West Bengal
    [C] Uttar Pradesh
    [D] Chattisgarh

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  109. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    all gone,,???

    1. $קгค๔єєק$

      pagaar diye bina koi ni jaayega sirr dont wory lolzzzz..:)

    2. $קгค๔єєק$

      sirrrr finished???

  110. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Start krw kya.??

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      as u wish

    2. $קгค๔єєק$

      ho gya sirjeee aaj k liye aap on duty kr chuke h pagaar le lijiye meri trf se 10kssssssssssssssss a 1000000n sirjeeee..:)))

      1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  111. GujjU PoOH_N!T

    net gull ho gya lagtaaaaaa

  112. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Which city to host the 2017 India – ASEAN Youth summit?

    [A] Bhopal
    [B] Lucknow
    [C] New Delhi
    [D] Gandhinagar

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  113. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    shapath Bhardwaj has become
    the India’s youngest athlete to be named in the Target Olympic Podium
    (TOP) scheme. He is associated with which sports?

    [A] Boxing
    [B] Wrestling
    [C] Shooting
    [D] Sprint

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  114. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Which fish has been
    officially declared as one of the rarest species of fish in the world by
    the Marine Living Resources Department of Andhra University?

    [A] Rohu
    [B] Rayichapalu
    [C] Catla
    [D] Tengra

          1. neha

            no….17 ko hai

          2. _/_

            m only prep for bank

          3. neha

            same…..bt ssc fill kr diya tha soooo….

          4. _/_

            ohh ohk good atb dear

          5. _/_

            u daily late night aate
            yhan pe
            m i ryt na?

          6. _/_

            mai bhi late nyt hi pdta

          7. neha

            yaa i also noticed…..gn

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


  115. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Which Indian-origin personality will be honoured with the 2017 Asia Game Changers Award?

    [A] Jasleen Laghari
    [B] Anuja Ravindra Dhir
    [C] Dev Patel
    [D] Ishani Duttagupta

    1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      Dev Patel

  116. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    What is the India’s rank in the 2017 Natixis Global Retirement Index (GRI)?

    [A] 43rd
    [B] 52nd
    [C] 35th
    [D] 24th

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      norway top

    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      [A] 43rd

    3. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      India has been ranked 43rd among 43 nations in the 2017 Global
      Retirement Index (GRI). The list is topped by Norway, followed by
      Switzerland, Iceland and Sweden. The multi-dimensional index is compiled
      by Natixis Global Asset Management with support from CoreData Research,
      a U.K.-based financial research firm. The index ranks 43 countries on
      the basis of four factors viz. material well-being, health, finances and
      quality of life. The purpose of the index is to provide a global
      benchmark for retirees and future retirees so that they can evaluate and
      compare the suitability of various nations, and plan their retirement
      according to their expectations and needs.

  117. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    Quiz over:))
    thanku all:))
    Keep smile:))
    good nyt:))

    1. GujjU PoOH_N!T

      thnkssssssssss byee gd nyt

    2. ɖɛֆȶɨռʏ : ʊʟȶɨʍǟȶɛ

      Kal tumne quiz krwaya

      1. !!??♓??✅??*!!

        Jii aap aaye hi nhi…

        1. ɖɛֆȶɨռʏ : ʊʟȶɨʍǟȶɛ


  118. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    areeyyy suno aaj ka jokes rhe gaya…

  119. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    कौन कहता है देश में लड़कियों की तरक़्क़ी नही हुई ??

    पुराना गाना याद है ? . “डफली वाले , डफली बजा” ?? और आज का गाना सुनो ।

    “डीजे वाले बाबू, मेरा गाना बजा दो” !…….. डफली से डीजे तक आ गई लडकी , और लोग कह रहे तरक़्क़ी नही हुई.

  120. $קгค๔єєק$

    gud nyt swt drmzzz guys…tcc..:)

    1. _/_

      gn frnd

      1. $קгค๔єєק$

        jiiii bht bht shukriyaa aapkaa…shubhratri..:))

  121. _/_

    Eight employee Q, R, S, T, W, X, Y and Z of the multinational company (MNC) will have to attend the meeting in the months of August and December but not necessarily in the same order. In each month, the meeting will conduct on dates 21st, 23th, 27th and 31st of the given month. Only one person will attend the meeting on these given dates.

    Q will attend the meeting on either 27th August or 27th December. There is only one person will attend the meeting between Q and T. There are two persons will attend the meeting between the T and R. There is one person will attend the meeting between the R and S. S will attend the meeting on 23th of any month either December or August. Only one person will attend the meeting between S and W. There are as many as the person will attend the meeting between W and Y as between Y and Z. X will not attend the meeting on 21st of August.

  122. Alisa-tIgHtTrOpE wAlK

    जब गिरते हुऐ हुऐ मैंने तेरा नाम लिया है
    गिरने न दिया तुने मुझे थाम लिया है happy janamastmi ??

    1. ɖɛֆȶɨռʏ : ʊʟȶɨʍǟȶɛ

      Happy Janmashtami ,:))

    2. !!??♓??✅??*!!

      Happy janamastmi:))

    3. Suvreen !

      happy janamastmi ??

  123. !!??♓??✅??*!!

    !!jai shree krishna…!
    !!Happy janmastmi!!

    1. ɖɛֆȶɨռʏ : ʊʟȶɨʍǟȶɛ

      Happy Janmashtami :))

      1. !!??♓??✅??*!!


    1. Suvreen !

      happy janamastmi ??.

  124. yuvi

    @ambika mam?? noti aane ke baad jo pattern dekha..ab ap hi bacha sakti ho:P

  125. These days of austerity as well as relative stress and anxiety about taking on debt, some people balk against the idea of employing a credit card to make purchase of merchandise or pay for any occasion, preferring, instead only to rely on the tried and trusted procedure for making payment – hard cash. However, in case you have the cash available to make the purchase 100 , then, paradoxically, that is the best time to be able to use the credit cards for several causes.

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